Sunday, October 10, 2010

Evangel Assembly's "Missions Week' Finale Celebrates the Work of God through Missions

Sunday October 10, 2010 represented day seven and the final day of the "Missions Week" celebration at Evangel Assembly, 5900 Old Branch Avenue, Temple Hills, Maryland 20748.

I wanted to take some time before filing my last day observations. I first want to thank Sarah Hearn for the pictures that she sent to the facebook family. I thank all the others writers and photogs for sharing their work, observations and experiences.

This year closer relationships were established and I felt, as a number of writers have shared, that our missionaries and guest will returned to their circle of influence appreciated, rested, more equipped to do the work of the Lord and to make a bigger impact as they are now better able serve those most in need.

I commend our leadership team, the Evangel family and each ministry for selflessly serving and doing as unto the Lord.

On Sunday 10.10.10 we sang of the Lord's great love to make an eternal stamp on all generations. The theme "All Generations" comes from Psalms 89:1. Sunday, brought an overflow capacity attendance. A high quality, high energy service which lifted up the name of Jesus through extended praise and worship, choir and youth performances, the presentation of the flag of the United States of America and a Parade of Flags from nations all around the world. What an awesome time!

There was time for military honors, governmental awards and a riveting message delivered by Evangel Assembly's Senior Pastor Reverend St. Clair Mitchell entitled "Your Time Has Come" inspired the book of Isaiah Chapter 6.

In his message Pastor Mitchell spoke of being selfless in our work, to focus on the work at hand and to serve unconditionally. He asked a sobering question..."Does God have your attention?" He stated that in order for anything to happen around the world, it must happen first in the church. The ultimate outcome of any effort is the glorification of God! God makes things to happen "I saw the Lord"...from Isaiah 6:1 God shows himself mighty at all times through any circumstances of life.

Overcoming selfishness requires us to understand the preeminence of God. God is in control of all things, this government and the affairs of the world. We must decrease so that God can increase in all things.

The day concluded with financial pledge commitments to the continued work of the missionaries and their work for the Lord.

As the missionaries and guests departed, they travelled to the north, south, east and west regions of the world and they go knowing that the Evangel community is with them and will undergird their efforts in service.

This week ended with a reminder that as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"--

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