Wednesday, August 22, 2012

United We Stand: Healthy People = Health Communities. Health and Wellness Expo. Honoring Veteran and their Families. September 15, 2012

        Evangel Assembly
            5900 Old Branch Avenue             a place for everyone!
                 Temple Hills, MD  20748
                 Rev. Dr. St. Clair Mitchell, Senior Pastor    

Evangel Assembly Ministries

Contact: Sister Claudia John, Coordinator
              Health Fair Communications
                (301) 899-5940 – Church
                (301) 624-8411 - Office

For Immediate Release

                                                                                                June 20, 2012


Evangel Assembly at 5900 Old Branch Ave., Temple Hills, MD is sponsoring “United We Stand: Healthy People = Healthy Communities”, its 8th annual Health and Wellness Expo. This free event is on Saturday, September 15, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The 8th annual Health and Wellness Expo participants will join forces to salute and celebrate our honorable Veterans as “United We Stand: Healthy People = Healthy Communities”.

This year marks a very special occasion because Evangel Assembly will partner with Department of Veteran Affairs, Prince George County Health Department and Global Vision Foundation Physicians to showcase the Prince George County’s “Health Screening Mobile Van” once again to the community at large. Evangel will provide personal One to One Physicians’ consultations, interactive health and fitness activities, including mini-seminars, and free health screenings presented by local experts to explore new ways to get and stay healthy.

We will feature a “Blue Ribbon Cutting Ceremony” to salute our distinguish Veterans and showcase their multiple sacrifices for the freedom of all Americans. Please join our veterans, state and county officials, and various health professionals to educate, empower, and equip every individual and family with the necessary tools and resources to integrate health, fitness, and wellness into their daily lives.

Over the past 7 years, we have seen a steady growth in participation, and we are confident that our goal to raise community and public awareness about healthy lifestyles will be a great success. We are looking forward to a fun, interactive event and anticipate multitudes of people from our church family and surrounding communities in Maryland.

We received many positive comments from community participants’ regarding the meaningful experience the fair was for everyone who attended last year and the community was very grateful that Maryland Congressmen, Congresswomen, Delegates, and Prince George County officials made a special trip to interact with the community at large.

For more information about the Evangel Assembly free “United We Stand: Healthy People = Healthy Communities” Health and Wellness Expo on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. please contact Claudia Johns at 301-642-8411, Rev. Dr. Robert Screen 301-687-4026 or Rev. Tierney Screen 301-873-8704. You may also visit for more details.


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