Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Patience or Peace?


If God answers prayer, which He does, then why do we continue to pray for patience? Is not once enough?

Think about every time we pray for patience. God being consistent in His love for us, Sovereign, faithful to His Word, He still is the God that cannot lie etc., would He “not” answer our prayer and give us what we prayed for...something for which to be patient.

The reason we pray for patience is because something has continuously not gone our way, we cannot understand why things are not going our way or things are not done in our "perfect" timing.

We have prayed, "God give me patience!" Instead of relief, we face an additional situation. We donot understand. How can this be? We stay frustrated. Things do not change. We pray again for patience. God answers. We pray again for patience. God answers. We pray again for more patience. God answers again….STOP!

In times of frustration, struggle, stress, pain, suffering etc., let’s listen to the voice of God. Make a simple attitude transition and word exchange. Instead of “God give me patience” exchange that prayer with “God give me peace” …and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard “our heart” and “our mind” in Christ Jesus, Our Lord.”

Just a thought…..

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